Reloading Tools of the Black Powder Era
1850-1910, Volume 2

by Tom Rowe & Ed Curtis
Part Number: BOOK-RT-V2
Availability: In Stock
Price: $79.00
There has been a need for a through study of the various loading tools of the black powder and early smokeless powders era for rifles, shotgun tools will not be covered. While a book on the subject can never be complete, and odd and unusual examples will continually appear, this book will cover most of what a collector will encounter. The leading experts int he various fields of tool collecting in the United States have been instrumental in correcting these books as the have developed as well as adding additional material and suggestions.

This book started with the idea it would be one volume, plans change and the mass of important material dictated that two volumes were needed. Profusely illustrated with full color photos and antique drawings. Hard bound, 8-1/2 x 11" format, 312 pages.

The Table of Contents includes the following:
Track of the Wolf, Inc.
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Elk River, MN 55330-1773

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