Fancy Button Sling Stud, 7/8" head diameter
Part Number:
The button sling stud has a fancy rosette design and crossed screw slots cast into the head.
Remove the casting gate (sprue) at the tip, grinding or filing away the extra metal to complete the thread at the tip.
Install this button stud, typically two or three inches behind the triggerguard's rear finial.
Select a sling such as our #SLING-JAEG-L or our #SLING-JAEG-J with one slotted "button hole" end to slip over the head of this button stud, and one looped end to engage the forend swivel.
Track of the Wolf, Inc.
18308 Joplin St NW
Elk River, MN 55330-1773
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2024 Track of the Wolf, Inc.